Let’s work together
Would you like to book an Emotion Code session? Fill out some info below and I will be in touch shortly!
We decide a time for our session and meet online though video call.
In this call I will connect with you and your subconscious mind. You’re subconscious mind is behind every action, pattern and habit you have and through this technology we can detect the root cause of them . The subconscious has all information and reasons why we think like we think, feel like we feel and what is out of balance physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Through communicating with you subconscious with muscle testing I receive precise answers to these misbalances and with intention, focus and loving presence release the imbalance from your mind, body and spirit.
I am not reading your mind here and in reality you do not have to share any details with me about what comes up and is released. You are in control and everything that is shared between us is confidential.
It varies from person to person how many sessions you will need. Most will not feel the full benefit until after 3 full sessions. Energy works in mysterious ways!
Mostly I work with clients on a regular basis. First we do one session and from there you can feel and decide if you would like to continue working together.
If you are dealing with an emotional trauma, stress or abuse that was severe or has been with you for a long time, it will take more than one session to feel the full affect of this work. Following your initial visit, I will recommend any additional sessions based on your goals, needs and response to the first session. Typically this will be between 3-5 sessions and no more than one week apart. After the first session I will advise you on what will be best for your optimal healing.
Most clients prefer to come back once or twice per month for maintenance sessions once their major traumas have been released. You can choose to have weekly or bi-weekly sessions or contact me when in need of support with any kind of life transition, health obstacles, mental or emotional turmoil. These sessions can also be focused purely on raising your frequency and removing any blockage around your relationships, life goals and dreams.
Yes! they can!
Since this technology works with muscle testing I can work afar with any living being and detect the root cause of imbalances physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.
Sessions for children under the age of 13 and animals are 30 min for 8.500 kr.
Heartwall is fairly common for us and can result in us feeling disconnected, create problems in our relationships and affect our connection with a higher power.
The term Heart-Wall defines unresolved, unprocessed and trapped emotions carried around the heart like a energetical shield. This can both create emotional and physical disbalances. It is estimated that 93% of the human population have a literal wall of negative energy surrounding the heart, made of multiple layers of trapped emotional energy.
The Heart-Wall is created by the subconscious mind in order to protect the heart from grievous injury, and it’s a good thing we have this protective mechanism when we need it. The problem is that having a Heart-Wall is like living in a bomb shelter – it’s good to have its protection while the bombs are falling, but if you have it forever you’ll end up living disconnected and unfulfilled!
One of the best parts of Emotional Release Therapy is the ability to remove the Heart-Wall easily.
Removing a HEARTWALL can take from 1 to 5 sessions varying from person to person.
First session
12.500 isk.
45-60 min session of getting to know you and your history so I may be of best service to you.
Energy healing and short consultation.
Follow up 30 min ONLINE
8.500 isk.
30 min session after your first session where we continue to work on your goals. Here we solely focus on Emotion code.
Follow up 60 min ONLINE
15.000 isk.
60 min session where we continue to work on your goals. This is a combination of consultation and energy healing.
90 min ONLINE
20.000 kr.
90 min session where you will be guided through breathwork and meditation in the first half and Emotion Code energy work in the later half. Through this combination you can expect a deeper release and rebalance to bring you into flow and alignment with your goals and desires.